-- Um AppleScript simples para abrir, configurar e -- posicionar 2 janelas do iTerm -- http://iterm.sourceforge.net/ -- usando parametros tipicos de scripts de monitoramento, tais -- como largura maior que o usual e fundo transparente. -- -- (c) 2011 Augusto Campos - http://augustocampos.net/ -- -- Copying and distribution of this file, with or without -- modification, are permitted in any medium without -- royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice -- are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without -- any warranty. tell application "iTerm" activate -- configura o primeiro terminal, aberto automaticamente pelo iTerm tell the first terminal set number of columns to 150 set number of rows to 10 select the first session tell the first session set foreground color to "black" set background color to "white" set transparency to "0.6" write text "top" end tell end tell -- Cria mais um terminal e sua sessao set termvazio to (make new terminal) tell termvazio set sessaocrua to (make new session at the end of sessions) tell sessaocrua set foreground color to "black" set background color to "white" set transparency to "0.6" exec command "/bin/bash" write text "top" end tell end tell -- repositiona os 2 terminais set the bounds of the first window to {20, 30, 900, 290} set the bounds of the second window to {20, 295, 900, 555} end tell